

We take your privacy very seriously and strictly abide to the rules of privacy laws. Personal data are only collected as neccessary for technical purposes. In no case will the collected data be sold or for any other reason be given to third parties.
The following statement gives you an overview of how this protection is guaranteed and what kind of data for what purpose are collected.

Data processing on this website

We collect and automatically store data in server-logfiles, which your browser provides us. These are:
* Browser / version
* Used operating system
* Referrer URL (previously visited page)
* Hostname of the accessing computer (IP address)
* Time of the server inquiry


This Website makes multipresent use of so called Cookies. Those are needed to make our online-service more user-friendly, effective and save. Cookies are small text-files which are stored on your computer by your web-browser. Most of the Cookies used by us are so called “Session-Cookies”. Those will be deleted automatically after your visit. Cookies are not damaging your computer in any way and do not contain any Virus, Trojans or otherwise defective programs or program-parts. Furthermore Cookies are not storing any personal data and can not be used to personaly identify you.


Notifications about updates as well as comments are done solely through RSS-feeds. Those can be subscribed und unsubscribed (deleted) by you at any time without further notice. For subscribing to a feed no data will be requested or saved by us. Retrieving feed-content always happens on initiative of the RSS-client chosen by you (e.g. feed-reader or web-browser) and can in no way be influenced by us.


Data and content you enter in the contactform will reach us as regular and unencrypted eMail. This email is saved by us once in it’s present form after receiption solely for archival storage. Since data will be transfered without encryption we advise against sending confidential or otherwise sensitive data to us through the contactform.

Right to Information

You have the right of disclosure about the personal data stored, their origin and recipient and the purpose of the data processing. On request we will always provide you information about the data stored about you. For the appropriate way to contact us, see the imprint.

More Information

Your trust is important to us. Therefore we will always speak to you and answer questions regarding the processing of your personal data. If you have any questions this privacy statement could not answer or if you point to a deeper information, please contact us at any time.